Climate Change | Mitigation and Adaption


The impacts and effects of climate change are one of the greatest challenges we face as a society.

Local actions are required in order to mitigate its impact and/or better adapt. To go about this, we need to understand the types of risks and threats to which we are exposed and using this knowledge, define action plans.  

One of most visible characteristics of climate change are severe weather conditions, which manifest themselves in the form of increasingly intense and frequent storms, causing floods, damage to key infrastructure, landslides or rockslides and adverse rain and wind events. This invariably has a social, economic and environmental impact and increases the vulnerability and exposure of our territories and cities.

Services Offered

  1. Elaboration of an ANALYSIS of risk and vulnerabilities that clearly identifies areas of exposure, the degree of vulnerability, and consequent social, economic and environmental impacts.
  2. Development of a STRATEGY of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, pertinent to the results of the analysis.
  3. Development and implementation of ACTION PLANS as a management tool with concrete measures to reduce the risks and the degree of vulnerability to which the community and/or entity is exposed and/or adaptation measures to be executed in the short, medium and long term.
  4. Development and implementation of an INDICATOR PLATFORM to measure the evolution of the work being executed and the design and implementation of an annual REPORT of Risk Management and Reduction.


  1. To use the analysis to provide an accurate representation of the threats, risks and degree of vulnerability to which we are exposed.
  2. Open participatory processes with key actors.
  3. Initiate an integral and transversal process with work teams to introduce mitigation and adaptation to climate change in all work units and/or planning and management.
  4. Position the community, organisation and/or entity to reflect work carried out and efforts made to be more sustainable and resilient.
  5. Contribute to local, regional and/or national efforts for the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Principal Benefits

  1. Enabling participatory processes with the different sectors of the community and/or the organisation; increasing their active participation in the interests of all stakeholders.
  2. Obtaining a precise understanding of the threats and risks to which the community, organisation and/or region is exposed.
  3. Obtaining a specific plan for efficient management of the various risks, with specific PREVENTION measures.
  4. Accessing well-defined mitigation and adaptation actions, as a roadmap for improving sustainability and resilience.
  5. Developing a safer and more resilient community; reducing loss of human life, damage to infrastructure and the territory or sectors potentially affected by any of the risks.